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Get to know Communications Templates

Everything you need to know about Communications Templates

Rachael avatar
Written by Rachael
Updated over a week ago

Communications templates are available for users when creating new messages, templates can be created and managed in the Templates section of the Library.

Learn about Communications Templates through this video

Duration | 1 minute

What are Communications Templates?

Communication templates are proforma messages created to support your users and response teams to respond to the unexpected.

All elements of the communications template can be modified at the time of sending the message to cater for the individual nature of any given event and communication requirement.

Where can I access the Communications Templates?

  1. Log in with your iluminr credentials.

  2. In the vertical menu, select Templates.

  3. Click Communications.

  4. The Templates library will display currently available communication templates, displayed as individual cards.

Message Template Card

Current communications templates will be displayed in individual message cards.

  • White message template cards are active and will be available when Notifying Contacts.

  • Grey message template cards are inactive and will not be available when Notifying Contacts.

Each card details the message type, the pre-set message title, content and any required response options. Along with the pre-defined communication delivery channel, email and/or SMS. Learn more about Message Types at Get to know Communications.

Template Message Type

The message type is displayed at the top of the message card. Learn more at Get to know Communications.

Template Message Title

This title will be the top line of an SMS and the Subject Line of an email

Template Message Body

The message body is the main text of the communication being sent.

Template Message Channels

The message delivery channel indicates how the message will be communicated and is displayed at the bottom of the message card. Learn more at Get to know Communications.

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