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Get to know Alpha Tagging

All you need to know about Alpha Tagging

Rachael avatar
Written by Rachael
Updated over a week ago

Alpha Tagging

What is Alpha Tagging?

Alpha Tagging is when notifications to Mobile numbers come from a customised Alpha Numeric (Word/name) Label in place of a mobile number. Alpha Tagging notifications with your organisation’s name provides added confidence to recipients as they will instantly know who the notification is coming from.

Can I setup an Alpha Tag for my company?

This feature is not available for every country however we pleased to be able to provide this for recipients in the following countries:

  • Australia

  • France

  • India

  • Indonesia *

  • Ireland

  • Italy

  • Philippines *

  • Singapore

  • Spain

  • United Kingdom

* Registration is required with the countries telecommunications authority and may take time to be approved

Will an Alpha Tag change how I send iluminr communications?

Please note, that due to the way mobile networks offer Alpha-Tagging services, this label cannot be applied to Open Reply Broadcast Notifications.

In this case, iluminr will inform the users in platform at the time of sending if your Alpha Tagged notification is available or it will be sent from a Local Mobile number.

Message Type

SMS Sender

Email Sender


Alpha Tag

Alpha Tag label

Activate Team

Alpha Tag

Alpha Tag label

Broadcast (No Reply)

Alpha Tag

Alpha Tag label

Broadcast (Open Reply)

Mobile #

Alpha Tag label

How do I setup an Alpha Tag for my company?

Should you wish to register for an alpha tag label please complete the following form

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