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Failed SMS delivery - Troubleshooting
Failed SMS delivery - Troubleshooting

Common causes that result in a Failed SMS delivery status and how to improve your data quality.

Leon avatar
Written by Leon
Updated over 5 months ago

A common cause for a failed SMS delivery is the format of the Number you are attempting to notify.

Format International Mobile Numbers for SMS Delivery

To ensure the successful delivery of SMS messages through iluminr, itโ€™s essential to input mobile numbers in the correct international format. Below, we provide detailed guidelines for formatting mobile numbers to comply with international standards.

International Number Format

When entering international mobile numbers, follow this standard format:

[+] [Country Code] [Mobile Number]

  • Plus Sign (+): Always include the plus sign at the start of the number.

  • Country Code: The unique code assigned to the mobile phone's destination country.

  • Mobile Number: The recipient's mobile number without any leading zeros, spaces, or special characters.

Example Formats

Here are examples of how to format numbers for common countries:


Example Number

Correct Format

United States

(415) 555-2671


United Kingdom

07911 123456



0412 345 678



0151 23456789





Guidelines for Correct Formatting

  1. Use No Dashes, Spaces, or Parentheses: Ensure that the number is continuous, with no separators like dashes (-), spaces, or parentheses.

    Example: Instead of "0412 345 678," input "+61412345678."

  2. Remove Leading Zeros: If the mobile number begins with a 0, remove the zero when adding the country code.

    Example: For an Australian number starting with "0412," the correct format is "+61412."

  3. Country Code Is Mandatory: Each number must include the international country code to ensure proper routing.

    Example: A UK number should always start with "+44" instead of the national "0."

  4. Omit Special Characters: Ensure no special characters like asterisks (*), ampersands (&), or other symbols are included.

Common Errors to Avoid

  1. Wrong Country Code: Double-check that the correct country code is used.

    Incorrect: "0044 7911123456"
    โ€‹Correct: "+447911123456"

  2. Leading Zeroes: Ensure the zero at the beginning of the number is removed when adding the country code.

    Incorrect: "+004915123456789"
    โ€‹Correct: "+4915123456789"

  3. Missing Plus Sign: Always include the "+" before the country code to indicate the number is international.

    Incorrect: "441234567890"
    โ€‹Correct: "+441234567890"

Testing & Validation

To avoid issues with delivery, test your number format by sending a test SMS to yourself or other team members. This will confirm whether the mobile number format is recognized by iluminr.

If you encounter issues or need further assistance with formatting international numbers, feel free to contact our support team.

Contact the iluminr Customer Success Team by clicking the button above.

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